In-Home Specialty Evaluations
Home visits with our Assistive Technology Professionals (ATP) to assess and determine Aids to Daily Living (ADLs), Mobility Related Aids to Daily Living (MRADLs), and other specialty needs. This includes any equipment and supplies needed to promote independence or provide care.
Equipment Repairs
Certified Technicians are on staff to provide any repairs on simple to complex rehab equipment. Often repairs can be completed on-site, or an appointment for in-home repairs can be made. Parts are ordered if needed and once received the repair team will complete the repair.
Pressure Management Surfaces
Low air loss mattresses, lateral rotating air mattresses, pressure-prevention foam mattresses, air or gel mattress overlays, custom wheelchair cushions and backs.
Wound Care
Surgical dressings, compression and padding bandages, tapes, wound fillers, and items needed at address wound care.
Autism Specialty Care
We assess and provide speech-generating devices including apps and all accessories, therapeutic toys, safety beds, and specialty items unique to each individual.
Multiple Language Support
We support multiple languages, such as English, Spanish, Russian, and German
In-House Retail Pharmacy
We provide free delivery (in most cases).
Insurance Consultation
We employ Medicare and Medicaid Policy experts to help with insurance qualifications (see Insurance Info in Menu).
Oral, Enteral, and Parenteral nutrition supplements and supplies.
Incontinence Care
Diapers, Pull-Ups, liners, Chux, ointments, and gloves.
Over-the-Counter Braces
TSLO, LSO, Knee, Wrist, and Ankle braces.
Other Home and Safety Equipment
Canes, crutches, walkers, transport chairs, patient lifts, transfer boards, bedside commodes, raised toilet seats, and much more.