Home > Products > Seating and Positioning Systems > Quantum iLevel Power Chairs
Quantum iLevel Power Chairs
iLevel® Power Chairs feature a revolutionary new power chair design for a better experience.
iLevel improves daily functionality and quality of life by allowing the operation of the power chair with the seat fully elevated while at walking speed (at 4.5 mph).
iLevel's patented Extra Stability Technology® enhances safety for transfers, reach, and numerous other activities of daily living.
iLevel® Features
iLevel's patented Extra Stability Technology® enhances safety for transfers, reach, and numerous other activities of daily living
Enables the unit to drive at 4.5 mph while fully elevated
12” of lift and 300 lbs. weight capacity on the Edge 3 Stretto™, Edge® 3, Q6 Edge® 2.0, Q6 Edge® Z, and Q6 Edge® 2.0 X power chairs
10" of lift and 400 lbs. weight capacity on the Q6 Edge® HD Power Chair
LED fender lights standard with iLevel
iLevel is retrofittable on the Edge 3 and Q6 Edge 2.0 power chairs