Home > Products > Pediatric Complex Rehab Standing Frames > Leckey Squiggles Pediatric Stander
Leckey Squiggles Pediatric Stander
Squiggles Stander
The adjustable 3-in-1 stander designed for growing children
The Leckey Squiggles pediatric stander is a versatile and adjustable 3-in-1 Stander; as a prone stander, a supine stander, or an upright stander. In each position, the adjustable postural support ensures optimum comfort and positioning while promoting the benefits of standing.
The therapy stander has a large growth range for kids 1 - 5 years old and is available with a range of indoor and outdoor mobile bases.
Base Options
The combination of the standing support and range of base options means kids can benefit from standing therapy in any environment!
The lightweight and robust design of the Leckey Squiggles Stander ensures the system can be easily transferred from one base to another or disassembled for storage or transportation.
Squiggles Support
The Leckey Squiggles Stander can be easily individualized for the postural and comfort needs of a growing child. The fully adjustable pelvic support works for upright, supine, and prone standing positioning providing effective pelvic support and pelvic alignment with the rest of the body in order for standing to be comfortable and therapeutically effective.
Benefits of Standing
The Leckey Squiggles Stander has been designed to provide the benefits of standing therapy to children, whilst retaining a child's postural needs. Some of these lifestyle and health benefits include:
Improves pressure relief
Enhances functional reach
Improves range of motion
Supports vital organs and improves circulation
Promotes bone health
Reduces abnormal muscle tone
Improves motor abilities